1445-1510 Italien
Sandro Botticelli (c. 1445-1510) was an Italian Renaissance painter renowned for his exquisite works, including "The Birth of Venus" and "Primavera." Despite his undeniable talent, Botticelli's reputation waned in the centuries following his death, largely due to changing artistic tastes and the rise of High Renaissance art.
It wasn't until the 19th century that a group of English artists known as the Pre-Raphaelites rediscovered and championed Botticelli's art. They were drawn to his meticulous detail, vibrant colors, and the poetic and mystical qualities of his work. Their efforts played a significant role in reviving Botticelli's reputation and cementing his status as one of the great masters of the Renaissance. Today, his paintings are celebrated for their beauty and symbolism, and Botticelli is recognized as a pivotal figure in the history of art.
© Sandro Botticelli
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