1840-1916 Frankrike
Odilon Redon (1840-1916) was a French symbolist painter known for his unique dreamlike works. Born in Bordeaux, Redon's initial artistry leaned toward charcoal and lithography, leading to his famous "noirs" - haunting monochromatic pieces filled with fantastical figures. As his career progressed he began to introduce vibrant color into his work, using pastels and oils to produce luminous, often mystic, representations.
Drawing inspiration from litterature, nature, and his own imagination, Redon's works traverse the boundary between the tangible and the abstract. His creations, whether they be cyclopean figures or floating, ethereal flowers, resonate deeply with Symbolist ideologies, emphasizing emotion, individualism and the mysteries of the subconscious.
Over the course of his career, Redon garnered significant acclaim, with his works profoundly influencing the Surrealist movement and subsequent generations of artists. Today, he remains a celebrated figure in the annals of art history for his unique perspective and ability to visualize the intangible.
© Odilon Redon
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