1847-1935 Tyskland
Max Liebermann (1847-1935) was a prominent German painter and one of the leading figures of the Impressionist movement in Germany. Born in Berlin, he studied art in Weimar and became known for his depictions of everyday life, landscapes, and portraits. Liebermann's work was marked by his keen observation of light, color, and atmosphere, which he skillfully translated onto canvas.
Throughout his career, Liebermann made significant contributions to German art, serving as the president of the Berlin Secession, a group of avant-garde artists. His art was often characterized by its accessibility and focus on the ordinary, reflecting his belief that art should be relatable to the everyday person.
Despite facing challenges during World War II due to his Jewish heritage, Max Liebermann's legacy endures as a key figure in German Impressionism, celebrated for his contributions to the world of art.
© Max Liebermann
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