1826-1898 Frankrike
Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) was a influencial French Symbolist painter famous for his complex and mysterious paintings that often featured mythological and biblical scenes. He was born in Paris and his artwork is known for its rich details and dreamy, dark settings.
In his early years, Moreau was influenced by classical styles and later by the Romantic movement. Over time he developed a unique style that was completely his own. He liked the idea of exploring the deeper mysteries of life through his art rather than just escaping from reality. His paintings give off a timeless feeling like they're tapping into something eternal.
Later in his life, Moreau taught at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. After he passed away, his home and studio were turned into the Musée Gustave Moreau which now houses a huge collection of his work, including paintings, drawings and watercolors. Today he is remembered as one of the pioneers of the Symbolist movement.
© Gustave Moreau
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